full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ramesh Raskar: Imaging at a trillion frames per second

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I thought: this is how ntarue paints a photo, one femto frame at a time, but of course our eye sees an integral composite. But if you look at this tomato one more time, you will notice, as the lhgit washes over the tomato, it continues to glow. It doesn't become dark. Why is that? Because the ttoamo is actually ripe, and the light is bnniocug around inside the tomato, and it comes out after several trillionths of a second. So in the future, when this femto-camera is in your camera phone, you might be able to go to a supermarket and check if the fruit is ripe without actually thcuniog it.

Open Cloze

I thought: this is how ______ paints a photo, one femto frame at a time, but of course our eye sees an integral composite. But if you look at this tomato one more time, you will notice, as the _____ washes over the tomato, it continues to glow. It doesn't become dark. Why is that? Because the ______ is actually ripe, and the light is ________ around inside the tomato, and it comes out after several trillionths of a second. So in the future, when this femto-camera is in your camera phone, you might be able to go to a supermarket and check if the fruit is ripe without actually ________ it.


  1. bouncing
  2. touching
  3. light
  4. nature
  5. tomato

Original Text

I thought: this is how nature paints a photo, one femto frame at a time, but of course our eye sees an integral composite. But if you look at this tomato one more time, you will notice, as the light washes over the tomato, it continues to glow. It doesn't become dark. Why is that? Because the tomato is actually ripe, and the light is bouncing around inside the tomato, and it comes out after several trillionths of a second. So in the future, when this femto-camera is in your camera phone, you might be able to go to a supermarket and check if the fruit is ripe without actually touching it.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
times faster 3
ordinary bullet 3
million times 2
slow motion 2
multiple bounces 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
million times faster 2

Important Words

  1. bouncing
  2. camera
  3. check
  4. composite
  5. continues
  6. dark
  7. eye
  8. femto
  9. frame
  10. fruit
  11. future
  12. glow
  13. integral
  14. light
  15. nature
  16. notice
  17. paints
  18. phone
  19. photo
  20. ripe
  21. sees
  22. supermarket
  23. time
  24. tomato
  25. touching
  26. trillionths
  27. washes